Nilco Nilglass 1 Litre
Nilglass Glass Cleaner makes glass sparkle like new!
Nilco Nilglass Glass Cleaner is a smear-free glass cleaner ideal for most types of glass, mirrors, windscreens and most hard surfaces including reflective surfaces, laminates and chrome-plated items.
Smear-free finish!
Britain's leading commercial glass cleaner is the first choice for most glass industry professionals.
- Open dispenser nozzle
- Spray sparingly onto the glass surface, avoiding overspray
- On stubborn deposits leave to soak for a short time before wiping clean
- Select a small manageable are and work over the surface with a lint free, soft absorbent cloth
- Buff until dry, turning cloth repeatedly
- Close dispenser nozzle after use
Do not apply in direct sunlight
Do not allow to dry on surfaces before removing
Do not dilute with water
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